ZACK search statistic
live search
What other users search' history
What did you search' cover live search
by requests
search statistic for the last 30 days:-
number of search requests
- uniqe hosts: number of uniqe IP addresses from users of ZACK
- search requests: number of all searches in ZACK, in one database or distributed
distributed search
- searches: number of distributed searches in ZACK
- found: successfully searches with one or more records found
- ALL: the sum of all databases in a distributed search query
search in one database
- searches: number of searches in one database in ZACK
- found: successfully searches with one or more records found
- ALL: the sum of all databases in all searches
failed searches [the
statitic is only for the last 7 days]
- searches: number of searches in a database in ZACK
- failed: broken search requests
- ALL: the sum of failed search requests in all searches
- the target host is down due maintaince (hardware, OS, software, a running backup, power failures)
- the network is temporary down
- Z39.50 server has programming or configuration bugs
- to many hits (>10000)
- temporary system errors (high load, disk full, out of memory, maximum number of licenses reached)
- unsupported bib1 attributes or record type
common used search fields / bib1
use(1) attributes e.g.:
- 1: Author
- 4: Title
- 7: ISBN
- 31: Year
- 46: Subject-RSWK
Z39.50 Target Directory in Google Maps

where are Z39.50 server located worldwide? And which
formats are supported?