UNIMARC concise authorities format

August, 1997

Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Core Programme

The following list represents the state of the format as at 1 August 1977.

Fields are optional unless marked as mandatory.

RECORD LABEL (Mandatory, Not repeatable)
1 Record Length (character positions 0-4)
Five decimal digits, right justified with zero fill.

2 Record Status (character position 5)

c = corrected or revised record
d = deleted record
n = new record

3 Implementation Codes (character positions 6-9)
(a) Type of Record. (character position 6)

x = authority entry record
y = reference entry record
z = general explanatory entry record

(b). Undefined. (character positions 7-9) Three blanks

4 Indicator Length. (character position 10)
The value is 2.

5 Subfield Identifier Length (character position 11)
The value is 2.

6 Base Address of Data (character positions 12-16)
Five numeric digits, right justified with leading zeros, indicating the starting character position of the first data field relative to the beginning of the record.

7 Additional Record Definition (character positions 17-19)
(a) Encoding Level. (character position 17)

# = Full (i.e., record contains necessary data including applicable tracings)
3 = Partial (i.e., record does not contain complete data because appropriate reference work had not yet been carried out)

(b) Undefined. (character positions 18-19) Two blanks

8 Directory Map (character positions 20-23)
(a) Length of "length of field" part of each directory entry. (character position 20)

The value is 4.

(b) Length of "starting character position" part of each directory entry. (character position 21)

The value is 5.

(c) Undefined. (character positions 22-23) Two blanks