UNIMARC concise bibliographic format
(May 1998)Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Core Programme
If you have any suggestions, comments or items that you would like to see added to this collection, please direct your messages to: IFLANET@ifla.org
Last Update: June 3, 1998
110 CODED DATA FIELD: SERIALS (Not repeatable)
Indicators: blank
Subfield codes
Subfield codes
$a Serial Coded Data (Not repeatable)
$a/0 Type of serial designator
The codes given for character position 3 above are used.
$a/7 Conference publication indicator
$a/0 Type of serial designator
a = periodical
b = monographic series
c = newspaper
z = other
$a/1 Frequency of issueb = monographic series
c = newspaper
z = other
a = daily
b = semiweekly (twice a week)
c = weekly
d = biweekly (every two weeks)
e = semimonthly (twice a month)
f = monthly
g = bimonthly (every two months)
h = quarterly
i = three times a year
j = semiannual (twice a year)
k = annual
1 = biennial (every two years)
m = triennial (every three years)
n = three times a week
o = three times a month
u = unknown
y = no frequency (i.e. irregular).
z = other
$a/2 Regularityb = semiweekly (twice a week)
c = weekly
d = biweekly (every two weeks)
e = semimonthly (twice a month)
f = monthly
g = bimonthly (every two months)
h = quarterly
i = three times a year
j = semiannual (twice a year)
k = annual
1 = biennial (every two years)
m = triennial (every three years)
n = three times a week
o = three times a month
u = unknown
y = no frequency (i.e. irregular).
z = other
a = regular
b = normalised irregular
u = not known
y = irregular
$a/3 Type of material codeb = normalised irregular
u = not known
y = irregular
a = bibliography
b = catalogue
c = index
d = abstract or summary
e = dictionary
f = encyclopaedia
g = directory
h = yearbook
i = statistics
j = programmed texts
k = reviews
1 = laws and legislation
m = law reports and digests
n = legal articles
o = legal cases and case notes
p = biography
r = literature surveys/reviews
t = cartoons or comic strips
z = other kinds of contents
# = (blank) - position value not needed
$a/4-6 Nature of contents codeb = catalogue
c = index
d = abstract or summary
e = dictionary
f = encyclopaedia
g = directory
h = yearbook
i = statistics
j = programmed texts
k = reviews
1 = laws and legislation
m = law reports and digests
n = legal articles
o = legal cases and case notes
p = biography
r = literature surveys/reviews
t = cartoons or comic strips
z = other kinds of contents
# = (blank) - position value not needed
The codes given for character position 3 above are used.
$a/7 Conference publication indicator
0 = not a conference publication
l = conference publication
$a/8 Titlepage availability codel = conference publication
a = in last issue of volume-loose
b = in last issue of volume-attached
c = in first issue of next volume-loose
d = in first issue of next volume-attached
e = published separately-free upon request
f = published separately-free-sent automatically
g = published separately-purchase-request
u = unknown at time of record creation
x = not applicable
y = no titlepage issued
z = other
$a/9 Index availability codeb = in last issue of volume-attached
c = in first issue of next volume-loose
d = in first issue of next volume-attached
e = published separately-free upon request
f = published separately-free-sent automatically
g = published separately-purchase-request
u = unknown at time of record creation
x = not applicable
y = no titlepage issued
z = other
a = each issue contains an index to its own
b = in last issue of volume-loose- separately paged
c = in last issue of volume-unpaged
d = in last issue of volume-attached
e = in first issue of next volume-loose-separately paged
f = in first issue of next volume-loose-unpaged
g = in first issue of next volume-attached
h = published separately-free-sent automatically
i = published separately-free upon request
j = published separately-bound from publisher-free-sent automatically
k = published separately-bound from publisher-free upon request
l = published separately-bound from publisher-purchase upon request
m = this serial is a supplement or subseries indexed in its parent serial
u = unknown at time of record creation
x = not applicable
y = index is not available
z = other
$a/10 Cumulative index availability codeb = in last issue of volume-loose- separately paged
c = in last issue of volume-unpaged
d = in last issue of volume-attached
e = in first issue of next volume-loose-separately paged
f = in first issue of next volume-loose-unpaged
g = in first issue of next volume-attached
h = published separately-free-sent automatically
i = published separately-free upon request
j = published separately-bound from publisher-free-sent automatically
k = published separately-bound from publisher-free upon request
l = published separately-bound from publisher-purchase upon request
m = this serial is a supplement or subseries indexed in its parent serial
u = unknown at time of record creation
x = not applicable
y = index is not available
z = other
0 = no cumulative index or table of contents
l = cumulative index or table of contents available
l = cumulative index or table of contents available
Indicators: blank
Subfield codes
Subfield codes
$a Coded Data General
$a/0 Type of material
$a/4 Colour indicator
$b/0 Generation
$a/0 Type of material
a = motion picture
b = visual projection
c = videorecording
$a/1-3 Lengthb = visual projection
c = videorecording
$a/4 Colour indicator
a = black and white
b = colour
c = combination of black and white and colour
u = unknown
z = other (sepia, tinted, etc.)
$a/5 Sound indicatorb = colour
c = combination of black and white and colour
u = unknown
z = other (sepia, tinted, etc.)
a = sound on medium
b = soundtrack separate
u = unknown
y = no sound
$a/6 Media for soundb = soundtrack separate
u = unknown
y = no sound
a = optical sound track on motion picture film
b = magnetic sound track on motion picture film
c = magnetic audio tape in cartridge
d = sound disc
e = magnetic audio tape on reel
f = magnetic audio tape in cassette
g = optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film
h = videotape
i = videodisc
u = unknown
x = no sound
z = other
$a/7 Width or dimensionsb = magnetic sound track on motion picture film
c = magnetic audio tape in cartridge
d = sound disc
e = magnetic audio tape on reel
f = magnetic audio tape in cassette
g = optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film
h = videotape
i = videodisc
u = unknown
x = no sound
z = other
z = none of these
Motion pictures and filmstrips
a = 8mm
b = Super 8mm
c = 9.5mm
d = 16mm
e = 28mm
f = 35mm
g = 70mm
a = 8mm
m = ¾in. (2cm.)
n = ¼ in. (½cm.)
o = 2in. (11/3cm.)
p = lin. (2½cm.)
q = 2in. (5cm.)
k = 2¼x2¼in. (5½x5½cm.)
l = 2x2in. (5x5cm.)
r = 8xl0 in. (20x25cm.)
s = 4x5 in. (l0xl2½cm.)
t = 5x7 in. (12½xl7½cm.)
u = 7x7 in (17½x17½cm)
v = 8x8 in (20x20 cm)
w = 9x9 in. (22½x22½cm.)
x = 10x10 in. (25x25cm.)
$a/8 Form of release visual projection, motion
pictureMotion pictures and filmstrips
a = 8mm
b = Super 8mm
c = 9.5mm
d = 16mm
e = 28mm
f = 35mm
g = 70mm
a = 8mm
m = ¾in. (2cm.)
n = ¼ in. (½cm.)
o = 2in. (11/3cm.)
p = lin. (2½cm.)
q = 2in. (5cm.)
k = 2¼x2¼in. (5½x5½cm.)
l = 2x2in. (5x5cm.)
r = 8xl0 in. (20x25cm.)
s = 4x5 in. (l0xl2½cm.)
t = 5x7 in. (12½xl7½cm.)
u = 7x7 in (17½x17½cm)
v = 8x8 in (20x20 cm)
w = 9x9 in. (22½x22½cm.)
x = 10x10 in. (25x25cm.)
a = film reel
b = film cartridge
c = film cassette
d = other film type
g = filmstrip cartridge
h = filmslip
i = other filmstrip type
j = film strip roll
k = slide, slide set, stereograph
1 = transparency
u = unknown
x = not a motion picture or visual projection
z = other forms of release. See character position 15 for form of release for videorecording.
$a/9 Technique videorecording, motion pictureb = film cartridge
c = film cassette
d = other film type
g = filmstrip cartridge
h = filmslip
i = other filmstrip type
j = film strip roll
k = slide, slide set, stereograph
1 = transparency
u = unknown
x = not a motion picture or visual projection
z = other forms of release. See character position 15 for form of release for videorecording.
a = animation
b = live action
c = animation and live action
u = unspecified/unknown
x = not a motion picture or video recording
z = other
$a/10 Presentation format motion pictureb = live action
c = animation and live action
u = unspecified/unknown
x = not a motion picture or video recording
z = other
a = standard sound aperture (reduced format)
b = nonanamorphic (wide screen)
c = 3D
d = anamorphic (wide screen)
e = standard silent aperture
f = other wide screen format
x = not a motion picture
u = unknown
z = other
$a/11-14 Accompanying materialb = nonanamorphic (wide screen)
c = 3D
d = anamorphic (wide screen)
e = standard silent aperture
f = other wide screen format
x = not a motion picture
u = unknown
z = other
a = stills
b = script material
c = posters
d = programmes and pressbooks
e = lobby cards
f = instructional materials
g = score or other music format
h = set or costume designs
z = other accompanying material
$a/15 Form of release videorecordingb = script material
c = posters
d = programmes and pressbooks
e = lobby cards
f = instructional materials
g = score or other music format
h = set or costume designs
z = other accompanying material
a = videocartridge
b = videodisc
c = videocassette
d = videoreel
e = electronic videorecording (EVR)
x = not a videorecording
z = other videotype
$a/16 Presentation format videorecordingb = videodisc
c = videocassette
d = videoreel
e = electronic videorecording (EVR)
x = not a videorecording
z = other videotype
a = Beta (videocassette)
b = VHS (videocassette)
d = EIAJ (reel)
e = Type C (reel)
f = Quadruplex (reel)
g = Laser optical (Reflective) videodisc
h = CED (capacitance electronic disk) videodisc
i = V2000 (videocassette)
j = Video8 (videocassette)
u = unknown
x = not a videorecording
z = other
$a/17 Base on emulsion material visual
projectionb = VHS (videocassette)
d = EIAJ (reel)
e = Type C (reel)
f = Quadruplex (reel)
g = Laser optical (Reflective) videodisc
h = CED (capacitance electronic disk) videodisc
i = V2000 (videocassette)
j = Video8 (videocassette)
u = unknown
x = not a videorecording
z = other
a = safety film
b = film base other than safety film
c = synthetics (plastic, vinyl, etc.)
u = unknown
v = mixed collection (containing more than one type of base)
x = not a visual projection
z = other
$a/18 Secondary support material visual
projectionb = film base other than safety film
c = synthetics (plastic, vinyl, etc.)
u = unknown
v = mixed collection (containing more than one type of base)
x = not a visual projection
z = other
a = cardboard
b = glass
c = synthetics (plastic, vinyl, etc.)
d = metal
e = metal and glass
f = synthetics (plastic, vinyl, etc.) and glass
u = unknown
x = not a visual projection
y = not present (no secondary support)
z = other
$a/19 Broadcast standard videorecordingb = glass
c = synthetics (plastic, vinyl, etc.)
d = metal
e = metal and glass
f = synthetics (plastic, vinyl, etc.) and glass
u = unknown
x = not a visual projection
y = not present (no secondary support)
z = other
a = 405
b = 525 (e.g. NSTC)
c = 625 PAL
d = 625 SECAM
g = 1125
$b Motion Picture Coded Data Archivalb = 525 (e.g. NSTC)
c = 625 PAL
d = 625 SECAM
g = 1125
$b/0 Generation
a = original
b = master
c = duplicate
d = reference print/viewing copy
u = unknown
x = not applicable
z = other
$b/1 Production elementsb = master
c = duplicate
d = reference print/viewing copy
u = unknown
x = not applicable
z = other
a = workprint
b = trims
c = outtakes
d = rushes
e = mixing tracks
g = title bands/intertitle rolls
h = production rolls
u = unknown
x = not applicable
z = other
$b/2 Refined categories of colour for moving
picturesb = trims
c = outtakes
d = rushes
e = mixing tracks
g = title bands/intertitle rolls
h = production rolls
u = unknown
x = not applicable
z = other
a = 3 layer colour
b = 2 colour, single strip
c = undetermined 2 colour
d = undetermined 3 colour
e = 3 strip colour
f = 2 strip colour
g = red strip
h = blue or green strip
i = cyan strip
j = magenta strip
k = yellow strip
1 = S E N 2
m = S E N 3
n = sepia tone
o = other tone
p = tint
q = tinted and toned
r = stencil colour
s = handcoloured
u = unknown
x = not applicable (item not a colour film)
z = other
$b/3 Film emulsion (polarity)b = 2 colour, single strip
c = undetermined 2 colour
d = undetermined 3 colour
e = 3 strip colour
f = 2 strip colour
g = red strip
h = blue or green strip
i = cyan strip
j = magenta strip
k = yellow strip
1 = S E N 2
m = S E N 3
n = sepia tone
o = other tone
p = tint
q = tinted and toned
r = stencil colour
s = handcoloured
u = unknown
x = not applicable (item not a colour film)
z = other
a = positive
b = negative
u = unknown
x = not applicable
z = other
$b/4 Film baseb = negative
u = unknown
x = not applicable
z = other
a = safety (triacetate)
b = nitrate
c = safety (diacetate)
d = polyester base (e.g. ester)
u = unknown
v = mixed base (nitrate and safety)
z = other
$b/5 Kind of sound for moving imagesb = nitrate
c = safety (diacetate)
d = polyester base (e.g. ester)
u = unknown
v = mixed base (nitrate and safety)
z = other
a = monaural
b = stereophonic
c = multichannel, surround or quadraphonic
u = unknown
v = mixed
x = not applicable (item is silent)
z = other
$b/6 Kind of film stock or printb = stereophonic
c = multichannel, surround or quadraphonic
u = unknown
v = mixed
x = not applicable (item is silent)
z = other
a = imbibition dye transfer
b = three layer stock
c = three layer stock (low fade)
d = duplitised stock
u = unknown
x = not applicable (not a colour film)
z = other
$b/7 Deterioration stageb = three layer stock
c = three layer stock (low fade)
d = duplitised stock
u = unknown
x = not applicable (not a colour film)
z = other
b = nitrate suspicious odour
c = nitrate pungent odour
d = nitrate brownish, discoloration, fading, dusty
e = nitrate sticky
f = nitrate frothy, bubbles, blisters
g = nitrate congealed
h = nitrate powder
k = nonnitrate detectable deterioration (e.g. diacetate odour)
l = nonnitrate advanced deterioration
m = nonnitrate disaster
y = no deterioration
$b/8 Completenessc = nitrate pungent odour
d = nitrate brownish, discoloration, fading, dusty
e = nitrate sticky
f = nitrate frothy, bubbles, blisters
g = nitrate congealed
h = nitrate powder
k = nonnitrate detectable deterioration (e.g. diacetate odour)
l = nonnitrate advanced deterioration
m = nonnitrate disaster
y = no deterioration
a = incomplete
b = complete
u = unknown
x = not applicable (when it is impossible or inapplicable to determine completeness, e.g. home movies, unedited footage, outtakes, unidentified material)
$b/9-14 Film inspection dateb = complete
u = unknown
x = not applicable (when it is impossible or inapplicable to determine completeness, e.g. home movies, unedited footage, outtakes, unidentified material)
(a) Year. Four numeric characters
(b) Month. Two numeric characters, right justified.
Unused positions contain zeros.