UNIMARC concise bibliographic format

(May 1998)

Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Core Programme

If you have any suggestions, comments or items that you would like to see added to this collection, please direct your messages to: IFLANET@ifla.org
Last Update: June 3, 1998

Indicators: blank
Subfield codes
$a Cartographic Material Coded Data (General)
$a/0 Colour indicator
a = one colour
b = multicolour
$a/1 Index indicator
a = index or name list on cartographic item itself
b = index or name list accompanying cartographic item in booklet, pamphlet, unattached cover, etc.
c = index or name list present but location not specified
y = no index or name list
$a/2 Narrative text indicator
a = text on cartographic item itself
b = text accompanying cartographic item in booklet, pamphlet, unattached cover, etc.
y = no narrative text
$a/3-6 Relief codes
a = contours
b = continuous tone shaded relief
c = hypsometric tints layer method
d = hachures
e = bathymetry soundings
f = form lines
g = spot heights
h = other methods in colour (e.g. in the style of Imhof)
i = pictorially
j = landforms (e.g. in the style of Lobeck, Raisz, Fenneman)
k = bathymetry isolines
x = not applicable
z = other methods of relief representation
$a/7-8 Map projection
Azimuthal projections:
aa = Aitoff
ab = gnomonic
ac = Lambert's azimuthal equal area
ad = orthographic
ae = azimuthal equidistant
af = stereographic
ag = azimuthal equal area
au = azimuthal, specific type unknown
az = azimuthal, other known specific type
Conic projections:
ca = Albers equal area
cb = Bonne
cc = Lambert's conformal conic
cd = conic (simple)
ce = Miller's bipolar oblique conformal conic
cf = De Lisle
cg = projection of the International Map of the World
ch = Tissot's conformal conic
cp = polyconic
cu = conic, specific type unknown
cz = conic, other known specific type
Cylindrical projections:
ba = Gall
bb = Goode's homolographic
bc = Lambert's cylindrical equal area
bd = Mercator
be = Miller
bf = Mollweide
bg = sinusoidal
bh = transverse Mercator
bi = Gauss
bj = Plate Carree
bk = Cassini's n
bl = Laborde
bm = Oblique Mercator
bu = cylindrical, specific type unknown
bz = cylindrical, other known specific type
Other projections:
da = armadillo
db = butterfly
dc = Eckert
dd = Goode's homolosine
de = Miller's bipolar
df = Van der Griten
dg = dimaxion
dh = cordiform
di = polyhedric
uu = type of projection unknow
xx = not applicable
zz = other known type
$a/9-12 Prime meridian
aa = Greenwich, United Kingdom (Internationalprime meridian)
ab = Amsterdam, Netherlands
ac = Athens, Greece
ad = Batavia (Djakarta) Indonesia
ae = Berne, Switzerland
af = Bogota, Colombia
ag = Bombay, India
ah = Brussels, Belgium
ai = Cadiz, Spain bj
aj = Capetown, South Africa
ak = Caracas, Venezuela
al = Copenhagen, Denmark
am = Cordoba, Argentina
an = Ferro, Canary Islands
ao = Helsinki, Finland
ap = Istanbul, Turkey
aq = Julianehaab, Greenland
ar = Lisbon, Portugal
as = London, United Kingdom
at = Madras, India
ba = Madrid, Spain
bb = Mexico City, Mexico
bc = Moscow, Russia
bd = Munich, Germany
be = Naples, Italy
bf = Oslo (Christiania) Norway
bg = Paris, France
bh = Peking, People's Republic of China
bi = Philadelphia, USA
= Pulkova (Leningrad), Russia
bk = Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
bl = Rome, Italy
bm = Santiago, Chile
bn = Stockholm, Sweden
bo = Sydney, Australia
bp = Tirana, Albania
bq = Tokyo, Japan
br = Washington, DC, USA
uu = unknown
zz = other


Indicators: blank
Subfield codes
$a Cartographic Material Coded Data: Physical attributes (General) (Not repeatable)
$a/0 Physical dimension
a = 2dimensional
b = 3dimensional
$a/1-2 Primary cartographic image
a = manually and plotted
b = photographically
c = by computer
d = by active remote sensing techniques
e = by passive remote sensing techniques
Radar remote sensing image is coded: d#
$a/3-4 Physical medium
aa = paper
ab = wood
ac = stone
ad = metal
ae = synthetics (e.g. plastics, vinyl)
af = skin (e.g. parchment, vellum)
ag = textile including manmade fibre textiles (e.g. silk, cloth, nylon)
ah = magnetic storage medium computer compatible
ai = magnetic storage medium not computer compatible
aj = tracing paper
ak = cardboard
ap = plaster
au = unknown
az = other nonphotographic medium
Photographic medium:
ba = transparent or opaque flexible base positive
bb = transparent or opaque flexible base negative
bc = transparent or opaque nonflexible base positive
bd = transparent or opaque nonflexible base negative
bz = other photographic medium
$a/5 Creation technique
a = manuscript
b = printing
c = photocopying
d = microphotography
u = unknown
y = the cartographic item is not a final product but is on a preproduction medium as specified in character positions 34, Physical medium
z = other
$a/6 Form of reproduction
a = by hand
b = printed
c = photography
d = transfer line print (e.g., Xerox, blueprints, ozalid)
y = not a reproduction
$a/7 Geodetic adjustment
a = no adjustment
b = adjusted but without grid system
c = adjusted with grid system
x = not applicable
$a/8 Physical form of publication
a = single
b = in parts
c = atlas including looseleaf published atlas
d = as a separate supplement to a journal, monograph, etc.
e = bound into a journal, monograph, etc.
z = other
$b Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing Coded Data: Physical Attributes
$b/0 Altitude of Sensor
a = terrestrial
b = aerial
c = space
$b/1 Attitude of sensor
a = low oblique
b = high oblique
c = vertical
$b/2-3 Spectral bands
01 to 99 = number of bands
xx = not applicable
$b/4 Quality of image
a = poor
b = fair
c = good
d = very good
$b/5 Cloud cover
1 = 1/8 cover
2 = 2/8 cover
3 = 3/8 cover
4 = 4/8 cover
5 = 5/8 cover
6 = 6/8 cover
7 = 7/8 cover
8 = completely covered by clouds
$b/6-7 Mean value of ground resolution
A twocharacter code indicates the mean value of the ground resolution. Character position 6 carries either the numeric mean value for the resolution or an indication that it is less than 1 centimetre or greater than 9 kilometres. Character position 7 carries a code for the metric unit used. Applicable only to remote sensing.
$b/6 Mean ground resolution values
= less than 1 centimetre
19 = numeric value
+ = greater than 9 kilometres
x = not applicable
$b/7 Metric unit codes
c = centimetres
i = decimetres
m = metres
d = decametres
h = hectametres
k = kilometres
x = not applicable


Indicator 1: Number of Dates Indicator
0 Singledated item
1 Multiple single dates
2 Range of dates
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield codes
$a Time period, 9999 B.C. to present (Mandatory, Repeatable)
$a/0 Era identifier
c = date falls before the year 1 in the Gregorian calendar, i.e. B.C.
d = date falls after the year 1 in the Gregorian calendar, i.e. A.D.
$a/1-4 Year (Mandatory.)
$a/5-6 Month
$a/7-8 Day
$a/9-10 Time


Indicator 1: Type of Scale Code Indicator
0 Scale indeterminable
1 Single scale
2 Multiple scales
3 Range of scales
4 Approximate scale
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield codes
$a Type of Scale (Mandatory, Not repeatable)
a = linear scale
b = angular scale
z = other type of scale (e.g., time scale, quantitative statistical scale)
$b Constant Ratio Linear Horizontal Scale (Repeatable)
$c Constant Ratio Linear Vertical Scale (Repeatable)
$d Co-ordinates Westernmost Longitude (Not repeatable)
$e Co-ordinates Easternmost Longitude (Not repeatable)
$f Co-ordinates Northernmost Latitude (Not repeatable)
$g Co-ordinates Southernmost Latitude (Not repeatable)
Each subfield is fixed at 8 characters:
Character position 0
w = west
e = east
n = north
s = south
Character positions 1 to 3
Degree: 3 numeric characters, right justified, filled with zeros
Character positions 4 to 5
Minute: 2 numeric characters, right justified, filled with zeros
Character positions 6 to 7
Second: 2 numeric characters, right justified, filled with zeros
$h Angular Scale (Repeatable)
A 4 character number right justified and filled with zeros, giving the scale in terms of millimetres to a degree
$i Declination Northern Limit (Not repeatable)
$j Declination Southern Limit (Not repeatable)
$k Right ascension Eastern Limits (Not repeatable)
$m Right ascension Western Limits (Not repeatable)
Character positions 0 to 1
Hour: 2 numeric characters, right justified, filled with zeros
Character positions 2 to 3
Minute: 2 numeric characters, right justified, filled with zeros
Character positions 4 to 5
Second: 2 numeric characters right justified, filled with zeros
$n Equinox (Not repeatable)
$o Epoch (Not repeatable)


Indicators: blank
Subfield codes
$a Character of Image (Not repeatable)
a = nonphotographic image
b = photographic image
c = remote sensing image
$b Form of Cartographic Item (Repeatable)
a = atlas
b = diagram
c = globe
d = map
e = model
f = profile
g = remote sensing image
h = section
i = view
j = plan
z = other
$c Presentation Technique for Photographic or NonPhotographic Image (Repeatable)
aa = anaglyphic
ab = polarized
ac = planimetric
ad = diagram map
ae = flowline map, flow map
af = dot map
ag = diagrammatric map (i.e. cartogram map)
ah = choropleth
ai = chorochromatic
aj = dasymetric
ak = isopleth
am = anamorphic
an = pictorial map
ao = spatial model on two dimensional surface
ap = mental or cognitive map
aq = views with horizon showing (includes bird's eye views and panoramas)
ar = views without horizon showing (includes bird's eye views and panoramas)
as = map view
da = picto map
db = random dot map
dc = screened
dd = not screened
$d Position of Platform for Photographic or Remote Sensing Image (Repeatable)
a = terrestrial
b = aerial
c = space
$e Category of Satellite for Remote Sensing Image (Repeatable)
a = meteorological
b = earth resources
c = space observing
$f Name of Satellite for Remote Sensing Image (Repeatable)
aa = Tiros
ab = ATS
ac = NOAA
ad = Nimbus
Earth resources
ga = ERTS
gb = Landsat I
gc = Landsat II
gd = Landsat III
ge = Seasat
gf = Skylab
gg = Spacelab
Space observing
ma = Explorer I
mb = Explorer II
$g Recording Technique for Remote Sensing Image (Repeatable)
Light emission
aa = video recording
ab = false colour photography
ac = multispectral photography
ad = multispectral scanning
av = combination of various light emission techniques
Thermal infrared scanning
da = infrared line scanning
dv = combination of various thermal infrared scanning techniques
Microwave emission

ga = Sidelooking Airborne Radar (SLAR)
gb = Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
gc = passive microwave mapping