UNIMARC concise bibliographic format

(May 1998)

Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Core Programme

If you have any suggestions, comments or items that you would like to see added to this collection, please direct your messages to: IFLANET@ifla.org
Last Update: June 3, 1998

Indicators: blank
Subfield codes
$a Microform Coded Data Physical Attributes
$a/0 Specific Material Designation
a = aperture card
b = microform cartridge
c = microfilm cassette
d = microfilm reel
e = microfiche
f = microfiche cassette
g = micro opaque
h = microfilm slip
z = Other
$a/1 Polarity
a = positive
b = negative
d = mixed polarity
u = unknown
$a/2 Dimensions
a = 8 mm (microfilm)
d = 16 mm (microfilm)
f = 35 mm (microfilm)
g = 70 mm (microfilm)
h = 105 mm (microfilm)
1 = 3x5 in. (8x13 cm) (microfiche or micro opaque)
m = 4x6 in. (llx15 cm) (microfiche or micro opaque)
o = 6x9 in. (16x23 cm) (microfiche or micro opaque)
p = 3 1/4 x 7 3/8 in. (9xl9 cm) (aperture card)
u = unknown
z = other
$a/3 Reduction ratio
a = low reduction
b = normal (16x 30x)
c = high (31x 60x)
d = very high (61x 90x)
e = ultrahigh (9lx )
u = unknown
v = varies
$a/4-6 Specific reduction ratio
If a value is given, right justify with zero fill. If a single digit is missing, replace by 'u'. If the ratio is unknown, fill with blanks.
$a/7 Colour
a = monochrome
b = colour
u = unknown
v = varies
$a/8 Emulsion on film
a = silver halide
b = diazo
c = vesicular
u = unknown
v = mixed emulsion
x = not applicable
z = other
$a/9 Generation
a = first generation (Master)
b = printing master
c = service copy
u = unknown
v = mixed generations
$a/10 Base of film
a = safety base
b = not a safety base (e.g. nitrate)
u = unknown
x = not applicable


Indicators: blank
Subfield codes
$a Spheroid (Repeatable)
$b Horizontal Datum (Repeatable)
$c Grid and Referencing System (Repeatable)
$d Overlapping and Referencing System (Repeatable)
A two character code indicating a subsidiary grid or referencing system which extends across the face of the cartographic material.
$e Secondary Grid and Referencing System (Repeatable)
A two character code indicating a subsidiary grid or referencing system which appears in the form of marginal ticks.
$f Vertical Datum (Repeatable)
A two character code used to indicate the vertical datum(s) named on the cartographic material.
$g Unit of Measurement of Heighting (Repeatable)
A two character code indicating the unit of measurement of heighting
$h Contour Interval (Repeatable)
Up to four characters indicating the value of interval of the main contours (i.e. those contours which always appear when applicable) in the unit of measurement given in subfield $g. Up to one decimal place may be recorded, values of more than one decimal place should be rounded up to one. Repeatable for each value when, for example, the value changes with height.
$i Supplementary Contour Interval (Repeatable)
Up to four characters indicating the value of the interval of supplementary contours, i.e. contours used between main contours to increase the topographic expression of the area (e.g. in areas of low relief) or contours whose value is not repeated on the surface of the map. The unit of measurement is that given in subfield $g. Up to one decimal place may be recorded, values of more than one decimal place should be rounded up to one.
$j Unit of Measurement of Bathymetry (Repeatable)
$k Bathymetric Interval (Repeatable)
$l Supplementary Bathymetric Interval (Repeatable)
The oceanographic equivalent of subfields $g to $i. The rules for these subfields apply to subfields $j to $1.


Indicators: blank
Subfield codes
$a Coded Data for Computer Files (Not repeatable)
$a/0 Type of computer file
a = numeric
b = computer program(s)
c = representational
d = text
u = unknown
v = combination
z = other
$a/1 Special Material Designation
a = cartridge magnetic tape
b = computer chip in cartridge
f = computer magnetic cassette tape
h = magnetic tape for main-frame computers
j = computer floppy disk
m = computer magneto-optical disk
o = computer optical disk
r = online systems
u = unknown
z = other


Indicators: blank
Subfield codes
$a Antiquarian Coded Data - General (Not repeatable)
$a/0-3 Illustration Codes - Book
a = illustrations (use for types of illustrations which are not covered below, or when types of illustrations are not being specifically coded)
b = illuminations
c = ornamental letter
d = miniature
e = rubric (i.e. heading etc. in special lettering)
f = vignette (i.e. ornament round capital letter etc. or in blank space)
g = frontispiece
h = portrait
i = vedute (i.e. panoramic view of a city etc. with important features identified)
j = maps
k = charts (i.e. maps for navigation)
l = plans
m = music
n = coats of arms
o = genealogical tables
y = no illustrations
z = other
# = (blank) - value position not needed
$a/4-7 Illustration Codes - Full Page Plates
a = illustrations
g = frontispiece
h = portraits
i = vedute
j = maps
k = charts (i.e. maps for navigation)
l = plans
m = music
n = coats of arms
o = genealogical tables
y = no illustrations
z = other
# = (blank) - value position not needed
$a/8 Illustration Code - Technique
a = woodcut
b = lithography
c = etching
d = aquatint
e = engraving
u = unknown
v = mixed
z = other
# = (blank) - value position not needed
$a/9-16 Form of Contents Code
aa = religious work
ab = catechism
ac = devotional literature
ad = sermon
ae = service books
ba = scientific work
bb = discussion, dissertation, thesis
ca = social customs
da = legal work
db = political work
ea = ephemera
fa = reference work
fb = library catalogue
fc = bibliography
fd = calendar
fe = index
ff = dictionary
fg = encyclopedia
ga = historical work
ha = polemical treatise
ia = discursive work
ja = commemorative work
ka = instructional work
kb = manual
kc = textbook
la = record-keeping work
ma = recreations
na = version of a work
zz = other
## = (blanks) - value positions not needed
$a/17-18 Literature Code
aa= poetry
ab = romance
ca = drama
da = libretto
ea = fiction
eb = novel
ec = novella
ed = fable
ef = fairy tale
eg = allegory
eh = legend
ei = parable
ej = short story
fa = essay, feuilleton
ga = humour, satire
ha = letters
ia = miscellanea
ja = maxim, aphorism, proverb, anecdote
ka = juvenile literature
la = other (use for chronicle, memoir, diary, biography, hagiography, travelogue, erotica, mystic literature, etc. If specific designation is needed for these, use appropriate codes given below)
lb = chronicle
lc = memoir
ld = diary
le = biography
lf = hagiography
lg = travelogue
lh = erotica
li = mystic literature
ma = oratory, speeches
yy = not a literary text
zz = multiple or other
$a/19 Biography Code
a = autobiography (use for memoir and confession)
b = individual biography
c = collective biography
d = contains biographical information
y = not biographical
z = multiple or other form
$a/20 Support Material - Book
paper, general
b = hand-made paper
c = rice paper
d = wood-pulp paper
e = parchment, vellum
z = other
$a/21 support Material - Plates
paper, general
b = hand-made paper
c = rice paper
d = wood-pulp paper
e = parchment, vellum
z = other
# = (blank) - value position not needed
$a/22Watermark Code
A one-character code indicating whether the paper contains watermark.
0 = paper does not contain watermark
1 = paper contains watermark
$/23 Printer's Device Code
0 = printer's device not present
1 = printer's device present
$a/24 Publisher's Device Code
A one-character code indicating whether the book contains publisher's device.
0 = publisher's device not present
1 = publisher's device present
$a/25 Ornamental Device Code
A one-character code indicating whether the book contains ornamental device.
$a/26-27 Unassigned
These character positions contain blanks.


Indicators: blank
Subfield codes
$a Antiquarian coded data - Copy specific attributes (Not repeatable)
$a/0-2 Binding Material Code
a = parchment, vellum
b = leather
c = wood
d = cloth
e = synthetics
f = cardboard
g = paper
h = unbound
z = other
# = (blank) - value position not needed
$a/3 Types of Binding Code
a = original, i.e. primary
b = rebound
c = modern
d = restored, facsimile
e = restored, imitation
f = work bound with another (use for publisher's, distributor's and/or owner's binding)
h = unbound
z = other
$a/4 'Bound with' Code
0 = single item
1 = bound with one or more others
$a/5 State of Preservation Code - Binding
a = excellent
b = good
c = worn
d = damaged
e = broken back
f = missing
z = other
$a/6-7 State of Preservation Code - Body of the Book
a = excellent
b = good
c = worn
d = damaged
e = incomplete
z = other
# = (blank) - value position not needed
$5 Institution to Which Field Applies (Not repeatable. Mandatory if field present)



Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Title is not significant
1 Title is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes

$a Title Proper (Repeatable)
$b General Material Designation (Repeatable)
$c Title Proper by Another Author (Repeatable)
$d Parallel Title Proper (Repeatable)
$e Other Title Information (Repeatable)
$f First Statement of Responsibility (Repeatable)
$g Subsequent Statement of Responsibility (Repeatable)
$h Number of a Part (Repeatable)
$i Name of a Part (Repeatable)
$v Volume Designation (Not repeatable)
$z Language of Parallel Title Proper (Repeatable)
$5 Institution to Which Field Applies (Not repeatable)