UNIMARC concise bibliographic format

(May 1998)

Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Core Programme

If you have any suggestions, comments or items that you would like to see added to this collection, please direct your messages to: IFLANET@ifla.org
Last Update: June 3, 1998


500 UNIFORM TITLE (Repeatable)

Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Uniform title is not significant
1 Uniform title is significant
Indicator 2: Primary Entry Indicator
0 Title is not used as a heading
1 Title is primary entry
Subfield Codes
$a Uniform Title (Not repeatable)
$b General Material Designation (Repeatable)
$h Number of Section or Part (Repeatable)
$i Name of Section or Part (Repeatable)
$k Date of Publication (Not repeatable)
$l Form Subheading (Not repeatable)
$m Language (when part of a heading) (Not repeatable)
$n Miscellaneous Information (Repeatable)
$q Version (or Date of Version) (Not repeatable)
$r Medium of Performance (for Music) (Repeatable)
$s Numeric Designation (for Music) (Repeatable)
$u Key (for Music) (Not repeatable)
$v Volume Designation (Not repeatable)
$w Arranged Statement (for Music) (Not repeatable)
$x Topical Subdivision (Repeatable)
$y Geographical Subdivision (Repeatable)
$z Chronological Subdivision (Repeatable)
$2 System Code (Not repeatable)
$3 Authority Record Number (Not repeatable)


Indicator 1: Type of Collective Title Indicator
0 Complete collected works
1 Selected works, i.e. a collection of individual items by an author, but not the entirety of his work.
2 Selections, i.e. parts of the works of an author, including extracts from works.
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
$a Collective Uniform Title
$b General Material Designation (Repeatable)
$e Collective Uniform Subtitle (Not repeatable)
$k Date of Publication, etc. (Not repeatable)
$m Language (when part of heading) (Not repeatable)
$r Medium of performance (for music) (Repeatable)
$s Numeric designation (for music) (Repeatable)
$u Key (for music) (Not repeatable)
$w Arranged statement (for music) (Not repeatable)
$x Topical Subdivision (Repeatable)
$y Geographical Subdivision (Repeatable)
$z Chronological Subdivision
$2 System Code (Not repeatable)
$3 Authority Record Number (Not repeatable)


Indicator 1: Title significance indicator
0 Uniform conventional heading is not significant
1 Uniform conventional heading is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
$a Form Heading Proper (Not repeatable)
$b Form Subheading (Not repeatable)
$d Month and Day (Not repeatable)
$e Surname of person (Not repeatable)
$f Forename (Not repeatable)
$h Personal Name Qualifier (Not repeatable)
$i Title of Part (Not repeatable)
$j Year (Not repeatable)
$k Numeration (Arabic) (Not repeatable)
$l Numeration (Roman) (Not repeatable)
$m Locality (Not repeatable)
$n Institution in Locality (Not repeatable)


Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator.
0 Parallel title is not significant
1 Parallel title is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
$a Parallel Title (Not repeatable)
$e Other Title Information (Repeatable)
$h Number of Part (Repeatable)
$i Name of Part (Repeatable)
$j Volume or Dates associated with Title (Not repeatable)
$n Miscellaneous Information (Not repeatable)
$z Language of Title (Not repeatable)

512 COVER TITLE (Repeatable)

Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Cover title is not significant
1 Cover title is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
Any subfield available under field 510 may be used. It is anticipated that only the following will usually occur:
$a Cover Title (Not repeatable)
$e Other Title Information (Repeatable)


Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Added title-page title is not significant
1 Added title-page is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
Any subfield available under field 510 may be used. It is anticipated that only the following will usually occur:
$a Added Title-page Title (Not repeatable)
$e Other Title Information (Repeatable)
$h Number of Part (Not repeatable)
$i Name of Part (Not repeatable)

514 CAPTION TITLE (Repeatable)

Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Caption title is not significant
1 Caption title is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
Any subfield available under field 510 may be used. It is anticipated that only the following will usually occur:
$a Caption Title (Not repeatable)
$e Other Title Information

515 RUNNING TITLE (Repeatable)

Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Running title is not significant
1 Running title is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
Any subfield available under field 510 may be used. It is anticipated that only the following will usually occur:
$a Running Title (Not repeatable)

516 SPINE TITLE (Repeatable)

Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Spine title is not significant
1 Spine title is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
Any subfield available under field 510 may be used. It is anticipated that only the following will usually occur.
$a Spine Title (Not repeatable)
$e Other Title Information (Repeatable)


Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Variant title is not significant
1 Variant title is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
Any subfield available under field 510 may be used. It is anticipated that only the following will usually occur.
$a Variant Title (Not repeatable)
$e Other Title Information (Repeatable)


Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Title in standard modern spelling is not significant
1 Title in standard modern spelling is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Any subfield available under field 510 may be used. It is anticipated that only the following subfield will usually occur.
$a Title proper, variant title or uniform title in standard modern spelling (Not repeatable)

520 FORMER TITLE (SERIALS) (Repeatable)

Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Former title is not significant
1 Former title is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
$a Former Title Proper (Not repeatable)
$e Other Title Information (Repeatable)
$h Number of Part (Not repeatable)
$i Name of Part (Not repeatable)
$j Volumes or Dates of Former Title (Not repeatable)
$n Miscellaneous Information (Not repeatable)
$x ISSN of Former Title (Not repeatable)

530 KEY TITLE (SERIALS) (Repeatable)

Indicator 1: Title Proper Indicator
0 Key title is the same as the title proper
1 Key title differs from the title proper
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
$a Key Title (Not repeatable)
$b Qualifier (Not repeatable)
$j Volume or Dates Associated with Key Title (Not repeatable)
$v Volume Designation (Not repeatable)


Indicators: blank
Subfield Codes
$a Abbreviated Title (Not repeatable)
$b Qualifier (Not repeatable)
$v Volume Designation (Not repeatable)

532 EXPANDED TITLE (Repeatable)

Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Expanded title is not significant
1 Expanded title is significant
Indicator 2: Type of expansion indicator
0 Initialism
1 Numeral
2 Abbreviation
3 Other, non-roman symbol, etc
Subfield Codes
$a Expanded Title (Not repeatable)
$z Language of Title (Not repeatable)


Indicator 1: Title significance indicator
0 Additional title is not significant
1 Additional title is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
$a Additional Title (Not repeatable)

545 SECTION TITLE (Repeatable)

Indicator 1: Title Significance Indicator
0 Section title is not significant
1 Section title is significant
Indicator 2: blank
Subfield Codes
Any subfield available under field 510 may be used. It is anticipated that only the following will usually occur:

$a Section Title (Not repeatable)