UNIMARC concise bibliographic format

(May 1998)

Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Core Programme

If you have any suggestions, comments or items that you would like to see added to this collection, please direct your messages to: IFLANET@ifla.org
Last Update: June 3, 1998

The following list represents the state of the format as at 1 May 1998. It includes the changes published in Update 2.

Fields are optional unless marked as mandatory.

RECORD LABEL (Mandatory, Not repeatable)
0-4 Record length
5 Record status

c = corrected record
d = deleted record
n = new record
o = previously issued higher level record
p = previously issued as an incomplete, pre-publication record

6 Type of record

a = language materials, printed
b = language materials, manuscript
c = music scores, printed
d = music scores, manuscript
e = cartographic materials, printed
f = cartographic materials, manuscript
g = projected and video material (motion pictures, filmstrips, slides, transparencies
i = sound recordings, non-musical performance
j = sound recordings, musical performance
k = two-dimensional graphics (pictures, designs etc.)
l = computer media
m = multimedia
r = three-dimensional artefacts and realia

7 Bibliographic level

a = analytic (component part)
m = monographic
s = serial
c = collection

8 Hierarchical level code

# = (blank) - hierarchical relationship undefined
0 = no hierarchical relationship
1 = highest level record
2 = record below highest level (all levels below)

9 Undefined
10 Indicator length (always ' 2')
11 Subfield identifier length (always ' 2')
12-16 Base address of data
17 Encoding level

# = (blank) - full level
1 = sublevel 1: not examined when the record was prepared for inclusion in a machine-readable database.
2 = sublevel 2: CIP
3 = sublevel 3: less than full cataloguing

18 Descriptive cataloguing form

# = (blank) - record is in full ISBD form
i = record is in partial or incomplete ISBD form
n = record is in non-ISBD form

19 Undefined
20 Length of 'Length of field' (always ' 4')
21 Length of 'Starting character position' (always ' 5')
22 Length of implementation-defined portion (always ' 0')
23 Undefined